Monday, May 17, 2010

Do Tadpoles Get THIS BiG?!

um, what the hec? I have tadpoles in my pond that are bigger then most frogs!?!! This big honkin' tadpole pictured above is at least 4-5 inches long, and let's just say it's head is huge/wide. And I have seen others like this so big I thought they were funny tailed fish.

See in the picture below, there are some grown normal sized tadpoles in the upper right hand corner, and in the lower left hand corner the dark shadow making a ripple in the water is the giant tadpole! That big one could eat the others for a lite snack!!!
Have ya'll ever seen or heard of these ginormous tadpoles?


  1. Really enjoying your nature pics and all the creatures.

  2. Thanks Anonymous! I appreciate your comment ... the nature stuff is what I live for.

  3. Yeah...they look like bullfrog tadpoles...could be wrong, tho...

    They tend to get pretty big and then eat everything they can find.

  4. Hey Caveman Teacher!

    Thanks for confirming this- i do have some huge frogs in that pond, some of the biggest i have ever seen. I have no idea that big frogs made extra large tadpoles.

    Thanks too for all your recent comments, which I am really enjoying. I love the input! xoxoxo

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