Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Computer Broke! Be Back soon!


  1. Alright, enough zenuff. What the hell is going on? I'm not directing this to Leslie (until later), but at least could somebody she knows and reads comments on her blog please respond? I assume that without a 'puter, she won't personally read this or her email, but let her know she's got to say something lest we fear the worst! Although, come to think of it, if she's in contact with wired friends, they wouldn't see any of this either, 'cause why would they check when they know she ain't posting? I'll just have to pretend that she can get word:

    Are you okay? Many care, and the fact that you're so dedicated to sharing your precious insights of your unique world makes the sudden loss of them concerning. Girl, if it's a broken computer, you know damn well that I fixes the like for peeps on a regular basis, so what th'? Reach out why don'tcha? Or maybe hit us loyals up for repair-donations?

    But if it's personal stuff, like a whirlwind romance or maybe just a needed vacation from tech, that's cool; take your time. And if it's personal strife you're going through, then I feel instantly awful for badgering you. But I swear to all that is geeky, if it's just bad technology, I will simply weep with despair that it's brought us to our Leslie-deprived knees so thoroughly.

    Leslie, you and I have never met in person, but I like to remember we have some history beyond the comment section. We've emailed an amount to each other, and have become weird friends somehow. Please post something, anything, even a blank to let us know you ain't dead or have stopped caring about the power of your gifts to all of us.

  2. Leslie is a strong warrior woman, I imagine her having a good old time away from the tether of modern tech (as a web writer, I imagine how freeing this would be all the time). But I do miss your posts!

  3. Lelly's puter will be up n runnin by monday,soooo chill the fuck out ya'll!


    Sorry ya'll were worried and I missed everyone too! A few things happened, first my computer finally died, i got a new one, but the old junk had to be put on the new one ---- the new one could not do dial up....
    i was trying to get satelite but i had trees in the way and had to find someone to cut them down....
    NO ONE wanted to cut them cause one was growing right in the middle of my deck 2 feet from my house --- till i randomly met this awesome native american guy at the store who came like a tree cutting angel and took them down.
    Then the satelite guy worked his buns off to get me were i am.....

    I Missed ya'll --- but seriously, the computer break was fun - all i missed was this blog!
