Monday, April 19, 2010

Western North Carolina Trillium (Part 2)

More types of trillium! I am surrounded by them and I like it.
Up top is a bright clean white colored flower, with big rounded petals that overlap one another.

This next one is the same as the violet and white ones I wrote about before, but this one is shaded pink, with micro dots coming out from the center.
And this last plant (below) almost resembles the variegated looking trillium, but lacks the three leaf pattern.... what do you think about this last plant? Trillium or not trillium? And if not, what is it?

Go HERE for more info!


1 comment:

  1. very nice photos Leslie!

    i thought the bottom plant looked like a plantain and after looking it up, I discovered it's Rattlesnake Plantain (I think :)
    a member of the orchid family and not super common so it's nice that you got to see it! were there very many?
