Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eco DIY : Turn A Silk Scarf Into A Halter Top

Check out this cute q-bert style 80's scarf! My friend Heather gave this to me as a gift, so that I could make a craft project with it and a simple DIY halter top is what I made...

Here is how I did it (it only takes about 5 -10 minutes to complete!) :::::

Step ONE: Take one of the corners and fold it over slightly, where you get a flat edge a few inches across.
Step TWO: Sew (with a machine or by hand) a line across the folded triangle, leaving a space at the top big enough to run a drawstring, necklace or ribbon through. The space it will create is a drawstring type hole.

Like this picture below... (you can cut off that extra fabric hanging under your stitch.)
Step THREE: Cut a drawstring out of stretchable jersey cotton fabric - or alternately grab a awesome necklace (sparkling bling!), fancy ribbon, braid some fabric, or even a piece of hemp twine will do! Get as creative as you want, as long as it can clasp or tie in the back to hold the halter top up.
Step FOUR: Run the drawstring through the drawstring hole you created when you made the stitch across the triangle. Attaching a safety pin to the end to pull it through always makes it easier...

(((Note: If the scarf is not large enough to tie in the back, add more fabric/drawstring to the pointed corners on the right and left sides for a simple tie.)))
ANDDDDDDDDDD, WA LA! A quickie fancy fun summer shirt you can sport with jeans, a skirt, to a party and to the beach...
The back ties together at the corners (but ties can be added to the corners if the scarf is too short!)
Funky Cold Medina! That sh*t is hawt! ;) Now I just wanna come up with one that is reversible...


  1. Wow, that is too cute. I wish I were as skinny as you so I could pull that off! But the DD chest kind of ruins it.

  2. Hey Stephanie!

    You'd really have to let those DD's free fall on this one ... I was just wishing today I was much bigger cause i made another sewing project out of camo shorts (a mini dress) and it needs big boobs to fill it out. ;)
    The grass is always greener... (sigh)

  3. so awesome
    so easy
    sew instant gratification! (my fave kind of sewing project)
    thank you Leslie!

  4. This is great Leslie!

    (I especially love the pic of you sewing on the floor. Very few people are aware of the fact that I, too, sew sitting on the floor most of the time, and have for years!)

  5. I realize this is not a "body image" blog, but I must say that sometimes when I look at your blog, I have fleeting thoughts of putting myself on a crash diet. You're like New York Runway Woman.

    And the halter is cool, but I'd need to sew me up some bravery before I could wear anything so fashionistic. I have been styleless for almost 40's hard to suddenly grow a fashion bone.

  6. Hey Liberty!

    Thanks so much.... jus' wait till i figure out how to do this reversible! woo.

    I can't believe you sew on the floor too - how wild! All those beautiful designs you make, done on the ground- which is exactly where I always liked to do all my drawing, painting, art projects too. Thinking back, i remember my mom scolding me for doing homework like that too (that is the rare few times i did my homework.) :)))

    Amestress --->
    I swear we each think everyone else has it better when it comes to body image ... this whole week i was really struggling because I lost some weight and am trying to gain it back- but all this hard labor and walking the steep mountain roads here is making it so it's hard to gain.
    I want my big booty back!
    As for style, i always put on what i am attracted to at the moment. I also have this habit of not keeping anything that makes me look dumpy & have clothes with alot of similar colors, that way no matter what i grab should be cute-ish and almost match. ;)

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  8. Think I finally figured out reversible - it requires 2 scarves and only a little bit more sewing.

    Put them facing together. Instead of folding - stitch the same "fold" line. Then turn them so the corner flaps are folded to the inside and stitch the bottom casing line.

    If you stitch along the "top" sides from the casing to the corner, it will still tie together the same way, too :)

  9. I really need some help here! Can anyone please tell me the dimensions of the square I need to cut to make this wonderful halter top?
    Thank you to anyone for your help!
