Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello Hot Springs (my trip there...)

I made it, I'm alive!

I am living in the wild remote rural middle of nowhere... (just like before in Big Sandy Mush) but now in a tiny area called Luck (ya know right below Trust) in Hot Springs North Carolina.

The trip was made partly by car (thanks Bort for driving me, and Thanks Gretta for the car to use!)... and I made some good miles by electric bike too. We took the parts in the car VERY slow, 20 MPH or under and when we got to the top of Doggit Mountain, I decided to ride my bike down a few miles, so I wouldn't have to feel car sick anymore. It was SO exciting.Doggit Mountain is basically a steep climb, and steep drop with nothing but switch back roads to wind around, trees, rocks, and what looks like hardly any people living around there. The air immediately got colder, and fresher, in a way I am not sure I have ever breathed before. It made me feel happy. :)
But I was tired from packing all my things and loading boxes to be moved, I kinda felt like I wanted to poke my own eyes out, or fall asleep. So I thought about my Mimi, who just passed away - I thought about how she would have cheered me on, how she was with me in spirit and would always be my angelic cheerleader in my heart... just as i was missing her and wishing she was there a hawk flew down below the tree line to my left side and flew about 20 feet above my head for the next half mile. That gave me a new surge of energy.

I saw some really beautiful things along the way, to many to begin to tell- but here are a few...
There was BUNCHES of old houses and old barns, and falling down structures- each one with history, thumb prints, foot prints, and stories in the decay.
It took about 2 1/2 hours to go 22.4 miles total (cause we were going soooo slow), but we finally made it to the area called Trust. Totally deserving of a thumbs up.
Trust is about 2 miles from my house - and there is actually a Trust STORE! I ran in there to use the bathroom and saw a mish mash of crazy mountain stuff - carved bears, hunting vests, T-shirt with a deer painted on the front, and even a camo lounge chair, snacks, drinks, and cigs. I want to go sit on their porch and people watch.
Soon after there was the turn to my personal paradise. All I could think and say outloud was "oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd" because everything was so amazing, beautiful, hardcore wilderness, tiers of waterfalls, sliding smooth giant rocks, creeks rushing along the road - pure air, the sounds of water, big houses with their own tennis court and putting green, and then we finally pulled up to my new tiny home.

The frogs & my friend Noelle were waiting there to greet me. Yay baby! I did it!



    I am so glad you made it Leslie!
    I know you were concerned (understatement?) about the drive and I'm glad you had people willing to go slow and take breaks!

    It looks so awesome!

    p.s. very awesome experience about your Mimi thought and then the hawk!
    I love stuff like that.

  2. Excellent!

    Very glad you're doing well, Leslie.

  3. Very excited for you.

    Oh Frabjuous Day!

  4. So happy to hear the trip went well and you are safe and sound in your new home. And the new adventure begins... xoxo

  5. This place looks incredible Leslie... just the sort of thing I'm hoping to buy when I can save up some money. I love your cabin!

  6. So I am sad that you are gone but incredibly happy for you Leslie :)

  7. Liberty!
    Yay for real! The hawk thing, that is the kind of stuff that makes life interesting for me.

    Thanks Erik!! I am doing good, but feeling sooooo exhausted. It's nice to have a home of my own.

    Daniel... fab-joyous!

    Susie---> thanks for all your support over the last 2 years. I can't wait to share all the adventures here, this is a beautiful place ... i can't even believe my eyes.

    Linda! I wish the same outcome on you when you move :)

    Stephanie -draw it and it will come...seriously i think i am going to start drawing everything i want to happen! ;)

    Gretta, i am sad and happy too. I hope ya'll will come visit out here - i already put a bunch of logs around the fire pit and i have the perfect deck for a dance party :)))))

  8. wonderful!! you take your time wisely Leslie. How great is this. Having your Mimi just such perfect spirit guidance. Beautiful home for you beautiful one. Blessings and thanks for the inspiration.
