Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Electric Bike Ride Part 2

This time... I think I got it right. But the first time it went all wrong wasn't my fault! Turned out that after about 4 miles of fun on my first ride, my electric bike motor was broke as a joke, and the whole bike had to be returned to the manufacturer, Liberty Bikes. I just want to note that the company was extra helpful, nice, informative and good with trouble shooting via e-mail... AND because my bike broke they sent me a brand new electric bike to replace it!!! It's the same fold up model as "peewee" was... but this one is their newest version and let me just say, it is way more pimped out.

Now it's got a back red light & more reflectors for night ridin' , a snazzy side logo in red, a upgraded rack on the back, a hardcore lock in kick stand, and improved bike seat ---- and best of all on my very first ride on this new bike the chain never fell off, the brakes were not jumpy, the motor didn't die, and the battery gauge didn't do that half empty thing while going up hill. The new bike is way peppy!
Here are some things I saw along the way....



  1. There's something about pre-spring that pushes the energy button. And happy you have a replacement bike and brakes that work!

  2. Ya know whats funny...
    I think i am cursed. This bike broke on me too. This time the back wheel stopped turning after about 6 miles of riding.(on my third ride yesterday)
    But Ivan at Liberty bikes is helping replace it. Hopefully with another pimped out bike just like this one, except one that I can't break. We tried trouble shooting by running the motor, watching the wheel, listening to the sounds and touching the brakes to see if they got hot.

    But maybe I have to try another one. I hope these Appalachian mountains aren't too hard on the thing.

  3. FYI UPDATE --->

    My second bike could not be fixed either... so Liberty Bikes sent me a third bike. I am getting ready to test ride that one too.

    In case anyone is finding this post while looking up Electric Bikes, I will be writing a part 3 after testing the 3rd bike- if that one breaks too I will assume my mountain terrain is too hard on the bike in spite of the claim that it can handle this area.

