Friday, March 26, 2010

Building the Bathroom Wall with Local Wood

Yay! The Luck Cabin now has a 98% finished wall for dividing the kitchen and bathroom - and because I used locally milled pine it only cost 40$ to build an entire wall. That is super affordable compared to the pain staking, time consuming and toxic sheet rock commonly put into homes now. There is something to be said for the rustic look and it's ease of construction and price - so much more tactile and warm to me. I likes it!

I have never built a wall before but noted the process as my carpenter friend Mark threw this wall up in less then 3 hours. Level 2x4 studs in first....
Some horizontal and well as the vertical ones go into place to hold the wall together, but i like it cause it made cool little box shapes - that I can use for hanging pictures, putting shelves into, a rock collection cubby... boxes are endless awesomeness.
Then I wanted wide planks to be nailed to the studs to match the 'decor' of the rest of the Luck Cabin...
Sweeeeeet!!! It's almost complete. I even have cold and HOT water running to my tub now, from the gravity fed spring. Time to go wash some undies!


  1. Nice! :)

    I checked out my house in-progress today, the siding is about 3/4 completed ... looks like it's mainly the interior work that still needs to be finished.

    (The interior will be locally milled ash)

  2. Erik!

    Can you share a link? I would love to see your tiny house progress- so cool!!!
    I am on dial up for right now and can't IM :(



  4. just came back from skiing in the alpes and was sat here in work and found your blog on the wooden walls. so very cool and would look so good in my chalet :D x
