Friday, March 5, 2010

Black and White Hairy Jumping Spider (Part 2)

Guess Who's Back....? It's like poltergeist, but way more fun with better facial expressions then any undead could eva' come up with....
My favorite fuzzy jumping spider! He's trying to possess my computer by hypnotizing me with his powerful stare, then infiltrating all my accounts. He felt real comfy up there on top the laptop screen cause it was so full of dust he blended in perfectly. Camouflagen' with my slobbiness.I am pretty sure this is...ehem... some kind of gesture of friendship he's giving me, and not his attempt to close out my internet screen with his ass. Or a gangsta threat. I'll take whateva' though cause this hairy guy has my heart.
He eventually started a trail of web across the top of the computer over to some of my potted plants - a perfect self made rope of web following perfectly everywhere he went. It almost made me envious how easily he can travel from place to place, having a handmade highway back home from anywhere he may end up traveling.XoXo


  1. Awesome pictures; awesome spider!

  2. Thanks so much Wild Canary....
    i think this might be one of my most favorite spiders eva'!!! Even more than the beautiful black widow.
