Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spider VS Ladybug

LADY BUG in the right corner.....

SPIDER in the left corner....
My first inclination is always to save the suffering one... i think poor little ladybug is about to get eaten. But then i think about the spider, if he doesnt get food then he'll be starving to death and suffering too. So making a choice to save one and interfere with another is kind of a judgment based on personal preference more then the natural processes of life.
So shit - which would you choose? I chose to watch.
The spider moved down to the ladybug, who would periodically spread her wings in defense. A defense that seemed to work pretty good. That is unless the spider is jus' totally tired of eating ladybugs all winter...
Several times the spider came down and touched her, but never attacked. He went back to his corner to hide motionless for more victims.
Eventually the ladybug must have shaken herself free cause when i looked back, she was gone. Or maybe.........



  1. It could be that your spider's hesitation has something to do with the fact that ladybugs are carnivorous, and will eat any bug it can, including spiders. Besides (and I still don't know about human ladies), when it comes to lady bugs and spiders... size matters!

  2. Gratu!

    I never knew ladybugs ate other bugs besides Aphids! I learned during the oncoming fall and winter this year they bite too, and they bite pretty hard - we had this huge burst of them right before the cold and there were so many they were landing all over my hair and face and would get in my mouth...
    maybe they were trying to eat me. That would be a big turn of events for mankind....
    ATTACK of the man eating LADYbugS!

    I am pretty sure with human ladies... size of the heart matters most.

  3. Heart size? Then I'm obese. Judging from the dearth of ladies in my life, perhaps there's such a thing as uncomfortably large! But seriously, isn't it true that many chicks dig some of that dark bad-boy-ness? You know, meanness being perceived as strength? I've asked wild primate females, and they all tell me it's the bullies that the girls swoon over.

  4. I don't think mean-ness is hot. I think people confuse dark bad boy mean-ness, with wanting someone who can take charge in the right situations.
    Bullies made my head hurt.
