Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eco Art: Glob Paints -Gluten Free, Chemical Free, Vegan!

Ya'll.... I am having a freak out! I have found gluten free, chemical free, vegan, food grade, 100% natural PAINTS!!! This is an idea I have been working on diligently for the last 2 years, compiling lists of pigments, experimenting with colors...... only to find someone has already figured out six of the best colors there are and they call them GLOB! Glob made their paint product so safe, you can use it on your body and flush it down the toilet with no environmental or health disasters.
I am so excited about these paint pigments being available that I have been running back and forth across the house announcing to anyone who will listen (cats and one terrified human) that I am going to be a painting diva-tron artist once again!
For my own plans to make pigments like this, I had planned on buying a dehydrator this spring for drying only paint pigments, then would grind them.... most my ideas are also food grade, but some are poisonous plants (like poke berries) we would not want to eat. The Glob Paints in the pic above are totally 100% food grade safe and affordable at 12$ for all six colors.... check out this diddy from their website:::

"You may have noticed that arts and crafts products do not list ingredients. Consumers rely upon "non toxic" certification, believing that their art materials have undergone sufficient testing to ensure the products they use are safe. Don't let these labels fool you.

Art pigments (colors) are commonly made from petrochemicals, and the actual hazards of these materials are not always known. In the US, chemicals that have never been tested for toxicity can be labeled "non-toxic." The rationale? There is no data to prove otherwise.*

Arts and crafts paints are exempt from consumer paint lead laws, and often contain lead, cadmium, and host of toxic ingredients* like formaldehyde (a carcinogen), one of the most common paint preservatives.

New environmental regulations and consumer demand has contributed to the numerous low to no VOC (volatile organic compounds) and environmentally friendly house paints now available.

Unfortunately, the artist market is far behind.

Paints may not only be hazardous to the consumer, but also the environment. Certified "non-toxic" pigments can still be toxic to fish and other wildlife.

GLOB products are sustainable and biodegradable, making them safe to wash down the sink and into our water supply.

Go ahead, Glob it on!"

You best believe, I am going to glob it on... I am going to glob it on everything!



  1. CELEBRATE! . . .
    and just in time because the creative juices are starting to flow again.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. absolutely
    great news!

    thank you Leslie!
    I've emailed them to make sure they don't have essential oils or fragrances. this would be so awesome if I could use these!


  3. Anonymous - for reals! It is just in time.

    Liberty -
    Can you let me know what they email back? Susie at The Canary Report is ordering some for me to do a review on... would be awesome if they dont come with any smell beyond what food they came from.
    I am SOoooo excited I cant wait to try them out. I want to do it like watercolor, and then mix them with egg yolks and do thicker paint. I already make my own black from grinding charcoal in the wood stove.... i feel like i would have an arsenal of colors with these too!

  4. I will totally let you know what they say!
    The thing that made me wonder about scents was the term 'extracts'. I've encountered those to have strong smells before - sometimes very similar to essential oils.
    I used to love sprinkling a dusting of powdered pigment or powdered food colouring over wet paint of another colour. It gives a really neat effect (not safe to do with usual, toxic powderd pigment but I had no idea back then).
    I'd love to see if this stuff could give a similar effect!


    That is a link to another website that sells natural earth pigments... thanks Liberty for sending me this link!!!

    Also - the owner of GLOB wrote and said she invented glob paints because she is a chemically sensitive artist also. and here is her answer about scents:

    "Thanks for your email. I have chemical sensitivities too, which is why-in part-I started developing the paints. There are organic scents in the blends, but there will not be in the mixed paints which will be ready mid-march. The mixed paints are made from all natural cosmetic ingredients. If you sign up for our mailing list, I will let you know when they are ready."

    I am assuming this means the natural organic scents that come from the substance the paint is made from...
    when I get my set of paints and try it out I will let ya'll know!

    Thanks Liberty for sending all this info via email!

  6. Leslie! Big HUGS...thank know I fiddle around with stuff like this, too, always have, but it is so great to see the packaging and hear the story and be able to tell my consuming friends there is something safe out there that looks like so much fun. I want to try it of course, maybe when the chickens start laying and I have some egg $...thank you...

  7. I'm excited for the paints to arrive! I will forward to you asap. I look forward to your review!

  8. Just to clarify, reader Liberty emailed the owner to find out more about the "organic scents"....

    here is what she said:

    "Yes, the scents are added for the purpose of fragrance. These paints were made as a craft paint, not as a serious artists' paint, as the archival lifespan is minimal. The other paints without fragrance will have better quality pigments, but are still classified as a craft paint. I am developing a paint for serious artists which will come out next year. However, the color blends and mixed paints are fun to play around with and great for kids, with no formaldehyde!

    As an artist with allergies and severe skin reactions, I understand your concerns completely.

    Take care,
    Ashley Phelps
    Glob it on!"

    I will do a review on these paints and let ya'll know how strong the scents are and what they are. I am not sure why scents were added, unless it was to cover up the natural smells of the substance the paints were made from. I prefer natural smells....
    Looking forward o trying them out- and to her development of a ready made paint too.

  9. Hey!

    For those of you following this thread, i got the paints in the mail....

    I have not used them yet but here is what I thought when opening the box holding the packets:
    They SMELL. I don't mean a little bit, but they smell really strong like some kind of health food store essential oil hippy incense kind of smell, and while it make not come from a chemical source, it is not something i imagine most people with MCS (or most children) would enjoy. I find it highly weird that anyone would need to add that much scent to a truly organic and natural paint - what smell or substance is a manufacturer trying to mask when they use heavy scents?
    The owner of the paint company has chemical sensitivities, so I am really surprised, not just by the added 'organic fragrance' but by the amount that is added. It's like sniffing right into a perfume bottle... albeit hippy perfume.
    I will let ya'll know, but as of now I imagine even the painting itself done with the glob paints will smell like incense for quite a long time, or permanently.

    I am super SUPER disappointed.

  10. thanks for the review Leslie.
    that totally sucks.
    and to me it's even worse that the product is made by a sensitive person!
    of all people, I would have thought they would make it scent-free.
    Maybe they have only very mild chemical sensitivities and are the kind of person who can actually wear essential oils - I know some MCS people like that.
    Very disappointing.
    Are you going to return them with that complaint?
    It may send a message.

    very disappointing :-(
