Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Animal Tracking: Wild Turkeys In The Snow

Look at the size of those feet!!! I know my hand might be a little bit small (and all gnarly cajun looking) but I had no idea a turkey track would be so huge and when I first walked upon this big foot, it stopped me dead in my own tracks... while I mouthed out "who in the hell?"
When I looked ahead further I saw a few more, and thought about the wild turkeys, while still considering other large birds of prey. (This is my first encounter with a large bird print.)
But as I made it over the small hill to see tons of intersecting prints and remembered hearing the turkeys earlier in the morning I knew it had to be them. (I am actually hearing them again right now as I write this post!)
EVEN more..... a whole section of the hill was just solid tracks. One of the coolest things I have ever seen. So many patterns, so much energy, frenzy, evidence, stories untold.
The proof is in the pudding though... and when I found a track with poop (scat) in it, I knew it was a group of turkeys for sure. :)
PS - you can learn about animal tracks in your own zip code on Enature.com's mammal tracking guide. It's way awesome and easier to use then most guides!



  1. Recently while walking with a friend on a snow covered nature trail, I was reminded of the things you've taught me regarding tracks and such. She seemed amazed that I could answer her questions. Thanks!
    I find it surprising that I enjoy EVERY one of you posts . . . even the gory ones. Your remarks are so upbeat and optimistic, not to mention funny and insightful.
    Delighted to see you obtain the home of your dream. Best of luck!

  2. Hey Anonymous!

    Thanks so much, what a really cool comment - means alot to me to hear that! I know how fun it can be, it's like having clues to a mystery.

    I love that you saw some tracks in the snow too --- give details about ya walk!!!???

  3. Sharing the details is the least I could do; deer, little birds, big birds, bunnies, big and little dogs, even interesting human prints from some smart soul wearing boot cleats (the ice cleates create interesting diamond on diamond on triangle patterns that are very fine.) The friend and I both had a laugh when she asked me to identify an unusual track (it was a cross country ski pole inserted at an angle.)

  4. Anonymous!

    How freakin' cool! I love your whole adventure, but the ski pole one... i never would have got!


  5. AWESOME. Never tracked turkeys in the snow!
