Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Toxic (slut) Spill On Highway

LOL... I laughed, I laughed out loud for real just like those "LOL" initials mean. This is most terrible, inappropriate, and eco funny video eva'!

There are brief shots of the naked human body, so if boobies and booties offend your mind... go look in the mirror and get ova' it. Then proceed to watch this funny video from The Onion Website.

VH1 Reality Show Bus Crashes In California Causing Major Slut Spill



  1. they need to stop the slut dumping in south louisiana. i bet that bus load was on it's way here. they even went as far as busing people out of new orleans to make more room for sluts. imported sluts are no better than domestic sluts. at least you can understand what the domestic sluts are saying, sorta.....

  2. Kittie - for reals. I love this video I watched it like ten times, cause everytime i caught something else the news caster said that i had missed.

    Panne - man, south louisiana is where sluts were first born and settled, it's where all slut-dom began. They import the others to come learn from the slut yogi masters. Probably they meet at the New Orleans convention center, then hit BOurbon Street to unwind.
