Friday, January 29, 2010

Macrobiotic & Gluten Free Carrot Spaghetti Sauce

Holy Carrots! These are some organic carrots that grew in the garden here, aren't they girthy? I decided to make one of my favorite macrobiotic recipes with these big boys, a delicious carrot spaghetti sauce that uses NO tomatoes and gives this traditional (american-ized) Italian dish a sweet yummy twist! This carrot sauce can be used on anything you would use regular spaghetti sauce on- like noodles, lasagna, or gluten free pizza crust!

You will need:
  • a bunch of carrots
  • one small beet (to turn the sauce red!)
  • red onion
  • herbs (basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, bay leaf, sage etc..)
  • celery
  • shittake mushrooms (optional!)
  • olive oil
  • sea salt or ume paste

When I made this dish yesterday I didn't have all the ingredients on hand to get a picture of (no beets to turn it red and no mushrooms for extra flav'ah) , but it still came out delicious as always! Here is what you do:::
  • Chop up the carrots, celery, and beet to simmer down till soft (30 mins or so)
  • Put in a blender or smash up the carrots with a fork
  • Add in herbs, salt and mushrooms to the carrrot sauce and cook in a pot another 10 mins
  • In a separate pan saute the chopped onion (with some herbs) till soft (7 mins)
  • Add onions to the blended carrot sauce and serve over noodles!
Voila! A tomato free spaghetti sauce that tastes better then the 'real' thing eva' did!


  1. Mmmmmmm... I was wondering what you ended up doing with those monsters! Like the possible ume plum paste addition for a little twang. Good stuff!!!

  2. This looks really good and healthy...I love beet and carrot stuff and never figured how to get sauce on pasta that wasn't tomato...Thanks Leslie, wish I could send down some of my goat cheese to go with it. That sparks up a pasta dish, too.

  3. Hey Noel!
    I think the ume paste and the beet, with all the other stuff can make it actually taste really similar to real tomato sauce - i happen to think this tastes better and is not acidic.

    Wild Canary -
    You should make this and put your goat cheese on it and take pictures! Is the goat cheese hard to make?
    I am considering getting sheep when I move, and wanted to try making sheep cheese. I can't have cow or goat, it makes me feel terrible....
    still holding out hope one day i can have some kind of cream cheese.

  4. them big chunky carrots tells me you have a well worked garden. in the clay here they end up looking like carrot sticks.

  5. P -
    the soil here is really awesome, that is why the native americans called the area "big sandy mush" - there is like 5-10 inches of cushy top soil - in the woods it's blacker then black and rich in nutrients. Also those carrots were in a raised row that had been previously enriched by a rye cover crop.

  6. That sounds delish! I often use sweet potatoes or yams and swiss chard to make my pasta (soba) sauce. Carrots and parsnips are another favorite. And squash! When I could have dairy, I used yogurt and herbs. So many yummy combinations.

  7. Hey Linda -->
    mmm, adding parsnips for a sauce sounds good! I might do that today cause i have some. :)
    Before I had to go gluten free and found out how hard it was to find food that wasnt wheat dusted, i used to make sauces out of all kinds of goodies!
    Anyone know of a truly gluten free tahini sauce? I used to make awesome sauces out of that with lemon and garlic - and also made a great one using Veganaise & herbs!
    (but found that tahini and veganaise makes me sick, like it's gluten contaminated).
    I have made sauces too by putting tofu in the blender with some herbs, onions and uma paste.mmm

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