Thursday, January 7, 2010

Guessing Game! What is this?

Time to guess WTF this is....
Here is another jewel of North Carolina, a little piece of winter mystery!
Your hints are:
  • nature and man made combined
  • changes shape
  • impermanent
Can you tell me what this colorful bling is?



  1. A single frozen tear from a unicorn!

  2. Lo!
    WHat a good guess...
    yeah it is the tear of the native north carolina unicorn, otherwise known as "the last unicorn" which was written about and then made into an animated movie in 1977... see here:::

    Just kidding. ;)

    Nope- ya'll keep guessing! I can give another hint- it is not frozen pee.

  3. I was going to say tree sap but nature can handle that without requiring man's help.

  4. Mr. Cheese -- oooh that is a super good guess, so good I wish it was tree sap but it's not. ;)

    Ya'll keep trying... this one is hard but your guesses are so creative it inspires me.

  5. hmmm...
    maple sugar? but it's the wrong time of year for that so probably not... I am stumped!
    what it looks most like to me is a piece of amber.
    I like these guessing games Leslie :)

  6. Liberty...
    oh, i love to think of it as amber and maple sugar... it makes me hungry. I love those guesses so much too!

    Here is what it is::::::

    At the top on the chimney at the house next door there are big icicles hanging off... the smoke blowing into/onto/combining with the ice made amber/orange colored icicles that keep cracking and tumbling to the ground. Breaking into tiny jewel like pieces that look like the pic here.
    It smells like a really terrible extreme BBQ too!!!

  7. I arrived too late to guess! But I was trying:) Thanks for the brain strain...

  8. aw- wild canary! ... don't worry there will be more guessing games to come!
