Friday, December 4, 2009

The Naked Winter Woods

While winter may open up the views, cleanse the earth, and tone down the bright colors into a meditative gray... I have the hardest time adjusting to this season because of the cold. I can see the fantastic beauty but I can hardly stand my freezing cold toes under the the thick socks and boots, my Cajun DNA has no clue how to get motivated for many outdoors adventures! When I look at the naked trees day after day I will confess to ya'll that by mid january I struggle to not go insane. This is why winter is a good time for being creative on a personal level, a time to discover and pursue hobbies, to make wish lists, to form new dreams, and to spend too much time on the internet reading each other's blogs. ;)
Please share with me your winter time hobbies, so I can get extra inspired to do something other then put wood on the fire and hold my hands over the wood stove like a slave to the heat! Oh, and check out the stark beauty and lines of winter in these pics....


  1. Well, I could have written your blog today, but I didn't. You did...I wax melancholy in a joyful sort of way. I love to collage, but haven't gotten the glue out yet. It hasn't snowed and I think cold without snow is a waste. I get scattered and pick up old books and try to get inspired. I want to think of others but can;t give much of myself away until I find out who I am this season. the goats keep me focused...the dogs just lay around in the cold weather. YOur tree photos capture the starkness...thanks, Leslie

  2. Hey Wild Canary!
    Thanks for sharing... i like making collages too. :) And today, it is actually snowing, but man it is freaking COLD out.
    What kind of glue do you use? I would like to make collages using bees wax.

  3. hi Leslie,

    I go a bit wacky from Sept/Oct to April - very cold and often grey months in southern Ontario.
    I will not go through those months without vitamin D supplements!

    Some things I like doing are sewing, colouring, reading, crocheting (I have a blanket I crochet more of each year... over 5 years so far and it's not even half done but I enjoy it :-).
    I also am more likely to experiment with cooking (soups, casseroles, stews) and baking. One of my hobbies, borne of my love of sweets but avoidance of sugar, is gluten-free, sugar-free baking. Things like cookies, cakes, biscuits, crackers, muffins, banana bread... yum!
    Of course with being gluten-free and sugar-free, many of my experiments are not successes but I've enjoyed eating many of them with a spoon ;-)

    what are some things you do?

    I hadn't known one could make collages with beeswax! does it hold as well as glue?
    I found one glue stick I tolerate okay - out of tons I tried. I've also made home-made glue that was MCS safe but it's a big hassle to make and does not keep long.

  4. Hey Liberty!
    Share your recipes please, i have to eat gluten free too :)

    For indoor projects i usually like to sew with scrap fabric, make lists of things i dream to accomplish, draw pictures of outfits i'd like to make, some art & reading, tending to my indoor plants.... then i do alot of household stuff like cooking all my meals, looking at recipe books, keeping the house warm. Oh, and viewing people too much on facebook.
    At the moment I spend many hours a day looking at ways to create a sustainable life for myself,viewing land for sale online, making plans to build a tiny home etc...and hoping I can get my donkey soon! :)

    I think wax could make a good glue if you melt it, brush it on, put thee collage piece in the wax - then when all the pieces are in place brush a light coating over it. OR so i hope it may work. ha.

  5. PS- i also enjoy writing ALOT, and found a fun website that allows people to write, and others to write sequels and prequels to your tiny story. It's Way way fun for winter time doldrums...
