Monday, December 21, 2009

Leslie is SNOWED in! With NO electricity, phone, water, candles...

AND no internet! So she asked me, from a borrowed cell phone hooked up to a car charger, to let all of you folks in cyberspace know that she will get to your orders, emails, phone calls and marriage requests when the power returns!! Merry Fricking Solstice, y'all!

Gabi Moisan, loyal friend...


  1. And Merry Christmas to Leslie, You and Yours! May Everyone's blessings continue into the New Year and throughout...!

  2. I'm so happy to hear your elec is back on and that you are safe and sound! I worried and missed you. Look forward to your next blog post. xoxo

  3. So, glad to know you are out there, Leslie...I missed 'hearing your voice!' Happy, happy!
    I also enjoyed the posts of the places you were looking to live...of course I liked the first cabin...cozy...looked like your style.
