Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chemical Free Cleaning Frenzy

I went on a bAzzUrk cleaning frenzy today. A little secret about me is that some may call me dirty, messy and I have even thought of myself akin to "Pig Pen'... like the time i jumped in someone's car and the sun shown just right through the windshield only to reveal a cloud of dust poofing off my clothes. Then they sneezed. Not to say I am totally disgusting but I can relax with a mess around - as long as everything I need is perfectly organized and in it's place. A little dirt won't hurt.
When I do finally decide it's time to repair the tornado that is life - I do everything eco friendly without a single chemical.
I hand wash my clothes in a Wonder Wash (spins them clean in just a few minutes) without using soap! I usually squeeze a lemon into the wash, drop some baking soda, or vinegar... or like today I boiled some ginger & lavender in water and poured that in. Mmmm.... smells so good. I stopped using soap many years ago when I could not find one that was gluten free plus chemical free (I bet there are some like that now but I dont look for it anymore.)
Once the clothes are washed I hang dry them - outside in the spring, summer and fall and then inside over the main heat source during the winter. The outside sun does the best and makes the clothes smell sooooo good, so in the winter I really miss it. I don't eva' use a clothes dryer.
For cleaning my kitchen counter and table I invented a neat little liquid scrub in my blender today... I took a huge chunk of ginger and a few sprigs of fresh lavender, tossed them into the blender with a cup or two of water and blended the ba-jezuz out of it. I then wiped clean all the smooth surfaces! It totally got up the whatever that makes globby spots and sticks to tile. It worked good on hard to clean dishes too. :)
I swept the floor and picked up bits of trash. All tidy and smelling good without any chems or much electricity.

But I am not even through...



  1. We got a Wonder Wash for Christmas! And what a step into the upper levels of eco that is! We finally washed our quilt cover after a long time 'cuz we had no way to wash and in side dry it ... it was a very full Wonder of wash, and it's clean and dry (hanging on old christmas tree light wire in the bathroom!), and back on the bed for a cozy nice of clean quilt. Awesome what you get to appreciate when you zen-down with help from MCS! Hah.

    Happy and Healthy 2010 Leslie!
    xo Mokihana

  2. YAY! Do you love your wonder wash??? I love mine. I have been hand washing my clothes for alot of years now. The wonder wash is my favorite cause it's so small and easy- and builds good arm muscle too. :) I have been doing alot of loads in it this week and hanging everything over the hot wood stove.
    Only sad thing was my wonder wash was squeaky, and after oiling it with a little olive oil the handle broke.... like it couldn't handle that kind of ease of flow. I can still spin it, but i use both hands and spin it manually from the front.
    My dream washer is the Mennonite built James Washer (Real -!!! It does a big load and you can get a squeegee attachment to ring the clothes.
