Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Fog

Having grown up in the regular morning fog in New Orleans, that would roll off the Mississippi River like a wet smokey blanket - I love now living in the Smokey Mountains for the fact that the foggy clouds can roll past my face, blotting out all the colors, making morning a monochromatic wonder just like always. Peaceful. Easy on the eyes. There is one huge difference between the fog of the crisp Blue Ridge and the fog of the dirty Mississippi, and that is in the mountains it does not roll in smelling like rotten peanuts, grain on barges, pollution, mosquito sprays and landfill. Each swampy morning I went out to the car dressed in my catholic school uniform I had to put my St.Rita sweater over my face to blot out the terrible smell. But, oh how some days I wish New Orleans could be clean, 3,000 feet high in the air clean - maybe I would want to go back for a visit.
In the pic above that is the old corn Silo, with bamboo leaning in the left corner. Below is the fog just beginning to clear off the trees... it's nice how it turns everything gray and blue and silver.


  1. I don't think I've ever read praise of fog before! Funny though, it's a very misty morning here, north of NOLA. It was very hazy as I passed the U. lakes, with the sun coming through. Pretty.

  2. Hey Colleen...
    I don't remember as much fog in Baton Rouge... but I didn't live right by the river. Or possibly I didn't notice cause I was in my own haze of creating art.
    When the sun comes through, it is awesome, it makes it glittery (kind like in the movie Legend when the unicorns run out!!!)

  3. Beautiful pictures, Leslie !

  4. North of Baton Rouge, I remember low clouds on the Mississippi, driving across a cloud enveloped Mississippi River bridge, then entering bright sunshine on the Port Allen side. I really enjoyed how you described NO, tho, that Mississippi River "scent" (which I miss sooo much) and also how you described your mountains (a day's drive from here)-- and great pics!

  5. Hey Blair - Thanks.

    Kitty - It does have it's very own scent... i don't think I miss the rotten peanuts part though. ;)

  6. Love the pictures of fog. Before I moved from the Islands "fog" was an unknown. The Ledge was a great fog place, and to see and read your descriptions of Mush fog is very comforting. Thanks, Leslie.
