Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Black Spiky Caterpillar With Red Rings

Ok, you know you are the grand master, big daddy, puff daddy of the caterpillar world when your poop is that big! It looked like baby rabbit poo...
This hairy monster was cautious, slow to move and has thick spikes, complimented by contrasting red rings. Looks to me like a "do not touch" warning. :)
Can anyone tell me what butterfly or moth this bruiser is going to be... it has to be something fairly large!?



  2. YAY! Gratuitous you rock at this...
    I love Giant Leopard Moths, i don't think i have seen one of those in many years... I am pretty sure I found one in my house in New Orleans once (back in the day, probably in 2001.)
    These really are one of my most favorite to see, fingers crossed I get to see them when they come out.

  3. Thank you sooo much for posting a pic of this fuzzy friend. Just found one today & I've been searching hi/low to identify. Amazing what one kind find in our own backyard. Smiles, Kelly :)

  4. Thank you for your information. We found two of them in our garden. They are very interesting to watch!:) Kissimmee, Florida

  5. Columbus ,GA

    seen one of them guys; i moved this big daddy by kicking it a few times. not knowing what it was the first time. i kicked it at least 10 ft away from my front door. Came back 5 mins later and there he was in the same exact spot. XD . i kicked it away again but this time i thought i killed it. it rolled into a ball and began to poop. XD

  6. Hey Trey!

    Don't smoosh it, it makes a very VERY beautiful moth!!!
    Besides... bugs rock dude.

  7. I'm so glad to find your post about the Giant Leopard Moth. I am linking to this post from Black Fuzzy Caterpillar to provide visitors with more ID information.


  8. great love the pic. i found one about a month ago. I have it in an old fish tank. I have been all over the internet looking to identafy .
