Sunday, October 4, 2009

Black Fuzzy Caterpillar

At first I thought this hairy guy was a wooly worm, but it seems like it's hair is just too long for that. It was moving fast and furious, climbing this piece of organic cotton out by my garden. I could swear I saw it take a few nibbles on the fabric...
so very spiky and fuzzed out- does anyone know what kind of crawler it is, and what moth or butterfly it will become?


  1. We just saw two of these yesterday - in Northern Nevada I'm wondering what they are too. They were so ** cute **.

  2. When it curls up into a ball does it have red stripes? If so then it will turn into a Giant Leapord Moth

  3. yes, I just found one of these critters walking down my drive way in south Arkansas. It has the red stripe when it curls into a ball. Its really pretty. I wondered if its poisonous? Its gorgeous and has my respect.

  4. Hey Ya'll!

    This is actually not the one with the red stripe - it was solid black. The red stripe one has shorter hairs and strong bold lines, and does turn into the prettiest black and white spotted moth!!!
    I still dont know which kind this is!

  5. I found one of these in my front yard in Mississippi. I cant find it online either!

  6. i live in san antonio tx...i see these in my back yard all the time. dows anyone know if they are poisonous?

  7. i think that it is a leopard moth

  8. Not sure if they are poisonous but if you touch them they have a powerful sting and burns!!!!
