Friday, August 21, 2009

Seed Saving: Moon and Stars Watermelon

This is the first year I have successfully grown watermelon in Western North Carolina! Even if I only ended up with 3 watermelons total and one was pretty deformed. In fact the one pictured here had the Quasimodo thing going on, on one side that I decided not to reveal to the public eye. Being a disfigured watermelon does not effect taste though, and holy toodles this thing was sweet and delicious! I literally just spooned it out, bite after juicy bite while setting the seeds aside for next summer's attempt at growing.
The inside had a pretty white vain pattern, reminded me of decorative architecture & iron work in the french quarter part of New Orleans. (Gawd I miss all the artistic & flamboyant passion of my home city!)
Once the seeds totally dry out I will most likely re-use old seed packets for storing the new seeds, I always save them just in case (trying to save some landfill space!). :)


  1. Leslie,
    Your thumbs are oh so very green, gree(n green! This watermelon is a cosmic creation and sweet 2boot. Yummmm. My watermelon start never made it into my tiny compost gardens this year.

    The only water melons selling in the markets are "slightly seeded" or "seedless" what is wrong with that picture? How can a melon have no seeds or be 'slightly' seeded. God didn't do that:-/

    Aloha, Mokihana

  2. Hey Mokihana!
    LOL I love how you put "god didn't do that" ! Seedless stuff always weirds me out too, like why did they do that to the food and how do they keep on breeding the plant like that. To me no seeds= no food.
    Seeds are like the ultimate safety net, and save the most money possible for buying food- i think it's tragic you can't pick up food at the grocery that contains enough seeds most the time.
    The exception is winter squash, and dried beans... they can't really trick us on those. I hope.
