Sunday, August 9, 2009

GIGANTIC Horned & Spotted Beetle!

Holy Toodles! This is hands down the largest beetle I have ever laid my eyes upon... I didn't even think they got this big around here, this is the stuff of Madagascan jungles!!! I have to admit right from the start I didn't find this one on my own, my nature BFF Bort was in the Ingles Grocery check out line when he noticed some cashiers giggling at something in a coffee cup - when he got a look at the monstrously huge bug he offered a dollar to buy it, but the girl insisted it was worth more, they cut a final deal at 3$ - and he brought the Cup O' Bug to me!!!
Check out that fabu little smile he's got there - sly, smurfy, handsome and clever. The cashiers, me and Bort all assumed this smart beetle was on it's last leg, poor guy, he seemed so slow and almost dead. He was giving very little response and it's huge hook claws seemed to be limp with despair. It was almost a tear jerker.OH but no! This beetle is a great actor! Playing oppossum and then coming alive at night - I thought this was going to be his last breathe...until...
Hanging out with famous actors such as Gumby, The Last Unicorn, and Polly Pocket...
well on his way to the red carpet, and obviously a ladies man! He's a beetle with ambition - he sends his love to Britney Spears, whom he claims he's had crush on since forever (no offense Polly Pocket). :)
:::::::::EXCLUSIVE BEHIND THE SCENES!:::::::::::
Stage prep, lighting, and chillin' with the supa' stars. When we asked Mr. Big Beetle what it was like talking with such famous toys he said "It was electrifying, but in the end they are just real people like you and me and that's what was the coolest. Polly Pocket was just as beautiful in real life as she is in the box at Toys R Us." This beetle knows how to talk the talk and walk the walk... in fact he just went ahead and walked right out of my room last night.
Bye bye Ya'll!!!!

PS- who can name this beetle?


  1. This is great! I laughed and laughed, even as my skin was crawling.

  2. i made myself laugh. PLaying with gumby and polly pocket is too fun.

  3. Party time!!! Thanks, that was hilarious! I bet the beetle really enjoyed it too.


    It's a Rhinoceros Beetle! And i should have kept it cause apparently they make good pets and are easy to feed and handle. ha. BTW- the lady friend of this guy was hanging out at the house too- shoulda kept them both... together, for some bug romance. :)

  5. It's so cute! I love how you get such good close ups. You can really see its face! :)

  6. Bugs have cute faces, they are just so hard to see unless you zoom in on the paint shop, and were lucky enough to have gotten a clear shot. :)
    How is it, they all look like they are smiling?!
