Friday, July 10, 2009

Mini Skirts, Bones and Bugs!

Guess what!? I actually listed some things on my new etsy store - which so far are various bones of a cow and some upcycled stone wash mini's I made (how trashy rock star are they!?!) I also stayed up real late last night putting together a little video of my insect pictures, which unfortunately youtube ganked the audio off of it and it's a silent film now. If you prefer looking at bugs while listening to Stevie Nicks (like i do) then go HERE to watch it instead. :)


  1. i hope you meant that in that super de duper nice way - like the weird chick who ends up being cool and hot underneath all that misunderstanding. (The theme of most teen movies) :)

  2. I sense tension in the room. Breathe in, breathe out.
    Bort -can you make some of those awesome wreathes for the etsy store?!! Think they could be made with bamboo, as well as with the privet vine?

  3. "Etsy" is a word I've just recently started hearing a lot, but there's not much on the origin of the word. The one I like best so far is the Latin "et si," "and if." It's just so vague and open-ended that it makes me want to complete the sentence.

  4. I'm trying to understand the appeal of cow bones. Are they intended for decoration, or are there also sacred connotations? I'm familiar with the significance of a goat's head skull, but cows? Since your pricing is all over the map, I assume you have a process for evaluating them. Weight? Body location? What gives?

  5. The bones are priced by how 'rare' it is (meaning there are not many of that type of bone in a cow) and also the usefulness (tool making quality). For example, the shoulder blade bone is the "hoe bone" (was) used by the native americans to farm with, they used it just like we use the metal part on a modern hoe- and there is only 2 of these bones in a cow so it is more rare and can be made into a tool. The Rib Bone is more plentiful so it is priced way lower.
    Bones were used to make fishing spears too - it was/is a useful way to not be wasteful of what nature already provides.
    Some poeple just like bones, because of the look, feel, sacredness, or just cause it's really neat to see.
