Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Chickens are Teenagers now...

There's about 8 baby chickens next door from the incubator hatching. They have cute little colorful wings now, but still have that fuzzy baby look on the rest of their body. The big black hen is the broody mom who's adopted them all as her very own. My neighbors are going to give me a rooster with a funny crow (he's not quite mature) and a hen who lays eggs but has a persistent cough... to make my down trodden bird family complete I am hoping to steal away the one baby chick who has the deformed foot too. ;)


  1. Oh so cute!! One of my hens has a broken toe, she gets around just fine. It's great that you'll be taking that one with the bad foot.

  2. Hey Susie- do your chickens have babies?

  3. No, I only have hens, no rooster. I don't like roosters, too noisy and aggressive with hens, hassling them all the time. I tried one about a month ago and then gave him away. You don't need a rooster for eggs, just babies.

  4. I would be careful with the rooster, too. Often works out fine, but my friends who raise chickens have big problems with the roosters pulling out the back feathers, and just generally harassing, the females. Plus they love bullying people!

    Hopefully it will work fine, especially if you give them tons of space!

  5. Roosters are total assholes, i know. But in our region without a rooster your hens are as good as dead... a different animal will come every day and night to pick them off one by one. My soon to be rooster is pretty cool, and my one coughing hen is all broody and sitting on her eggs... which means babies... and ya'll i want the babies! Gotta grow my flock. ;)
