Friday, May 22, 2009

In The Beginning...

This is an apple tree and a berry bush bearing fruit in it's baby stages. Everything little is cute, even food! It's magical how the flower becomes a fruit and then we eat it and the seed makes a new plant and the whole thing starts over again... but really my favorite part of the whole thing is that the insects do all this work, like secret soldiers. We (humans) can be doing whatever - standing on our head, drinking elderberry wine, driving a car... all the while bugs are making food for us without hardly a notice or nod. Without bugs there'd be no apple sauce and blackberry popsicles, which is what I want to make this year... so hail to all non blood sucking creepers. :)


  1. I wrote a poem about those little creepers for biology extra credit ;)

  2. Gretta - you should totally share your poem!
