Friday, May 8, 2009

Dial Up Internet Is Poo

Ya'll , now that I moved to a beautiful rural area of the smokey mountains - just wanna let ya know I am also accepting a life of dial up internet... which most of the time means I can hardly get out an email, can't cruise websites, and certainly if I want to watch a youtube video I have to choose one very wisely then let it load up all day while I garden outside. I apologize for any delays in my corresponding, with sending out packages ordered from The Oko Box, space between blog posts, or anything else that may worry ya while I figure out how to improve this situation. In the meantime, hugs and kisses - please tell me what ya'll have been up to cause for sure I can hardly open up your blogs anymore.


  1. I miss you in the blogosphere, Leslie, but am really happy that you are in a good place for your mind, body and spirit. I know it must be frustrating for you, but the universe will soon provide new and innovative ways for you to communicate with the outside world and run your business so try not to sweat it. xoxo

  2. Leslie!
    I'm just half a step closer to blogging than you ... us in the woods on The Ledge know that internet is selective access stuff. We have it sometimes, and then not.

    Makes a difference when a body decides to seek refuge, and finds that refuge doesn't include some of the 'other stuff.' Fun to read your experiences. Wishing you ALL THE GOODS IN THE WOODS, from another canary hanging on The Ledge! Mokihana

  3. I believe you can have it all. Have you looked into satellite access? Or maybe you're within range of a highspeed cellphone network? And don't let anyone tell you it's weird to live close to both nature and technology. I live not far from you, and I thrive in duplicity.

  4. We are looking at getting a satallite - when the funds are available... the dish network claimed the only dial up was out here (not even satallite internet service) but I am investigating further. There is definitely no cell phone service out here at all- for all providers. But it's not a bad thing to bring a little rural to the cyber world, and I am going to keep trying.
