Friday, May 15, 2009

Creating Gardens with Bottles and Bamboo

This is what I have been working on the last few weeks, in spite of the non stop rain storms we've had. Creating a place to garden, which is alot like putting together an art installation or some wild 3-D project that actually can feed you in the end.The space in the picture above was just a hill covered in brush. I found an old path under the dirt which I dug up and lined with rocks, some of the dirt got hoed some tilled, and the terraces on the hill are made with the plentiful (taking over & invasive) bamboo growing next to the house. I found a few treasures in the ground like the cool light post in the left corner of the pic and tons of old dried up snail shells (they get ghostly white and brittle).
One of my favorite trash to treasure garden borders though are bottles - which there seems to be tons of around here between the alcoholics, parties, and my personal consumption of olive oil ... would be super neat to build a "cord wood" style hut using some bottles too! I am using the bottles for my new herb garden. Drink up people, I've still got half way to go with it! ;)


  1. No need to approve this comment; this is just logistical communication. I emailed you a comment about the previous post's comments that I that I didn't really want to make public, but somehow wanted you to hear. But it got bounced out due to your full inbox. Just sayin' is all. You might wanna fix it. Unless, like me, you're saturated with input. I stopped listening to my voice-mails 6 months ago. Call me, and I'll know you did. That should be enough.

    p.s. On a tangent, these "word verifications..." Randomly computer-generated, but with certain logarithmic rules that give them the feel of actual words. Right now, I'm looking at "prantsbo." It's so humiliating when you get it wrong. Repeat that grade. Punishment for an innocent typo! As if a nonsensical word had any rights to begin with.

  2. Oh crap. I assumed you moderated...

  3. Hey Gratuitous-
    I only have spam filtered out, some of which i go and delete later, i like there to be a speak your mind atmosphere around here so I don't really pick and choose through moderation :)

    Thanks for the heads up on the email qouta exceeding, it should be fixed now if you would like to send the email along again.
