Monday, April 20, 2009

Is This Where Leslie @ The Oko Box Stays?

By request here are a few pictures of the place I live... from the outside. Beginning with the big overgrown steps leading passed an apple tree & stream, up to the (slippery when wet) deck. There is the air of beauty that comes from age, a little neglect, and some period of love & respect prior to when nature began to take over what man leaves behind. Basically there is a ton of english ivy trying to swallow the house whole and a wide array of trash to be used as new treasure.
The big stone chimney was made with rocks here on the land (so the story goes) and the bedrooms were once a hay loft. The roof is authentically tin, rusted into that pretty shade of red.About half of the basement windows are busted in some way or another - which means animals probably will be making all sorts of homes, nests, and hopefully little babies in there! Ya'll this house rocks - it might be my 2nd favorite place to live ever. :)