Monday, April 27, 2009

Bird's Nest Under A Bridge

Yesterday I went down the road to play at a creek that runs under a bridge. A magical spot that had thick groves of native plants (lilies & elderberries), raccoon footprints in the mud, a smooth rock waterfall, a wittle crawfish, and da' cutest perfect bird's nest nestled neatly in the steal bars above my head. Look closely in the picture above and you can see the nest looking like a pile of bleck on the silver painted metal that holds the bridge together.Close up the nest was made of moss and mud on the outside, and snuggley twigs & weeds on the inside - making it look like a warm insulated place to be born. I didn't really expect there to be eggs in there since I didn't see a mama bird - I happily got on my nature comrade's shoulders so I could take a close up picture...Check it out, 5 whole little eggs all wrapped in super adorableness! I plan on going back to see if they hatch and what kind of bird these are from. :)


  1. that's so cool!

    it reminds me of when i used to live in toronto :)

  2. Hey Dasunbekannte, glad you like... sometimes man made stuff makes good places for animals to nest on. :)

  3. So beautiful! The moss on the outside makes it look like a fairy land nest, amazing contrast against the cold hard steel. Smart parents!
