Saturday, January 3, 2009

Recipe: Organic Gluten Free Mayo From Scratch

Making organic mayonnaise from scratch is surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it - it takes very little ingredients and can be flavored exactly the way you like. Real homemade mayo doesn't look or smell like the store bought stuff we are used to, instead it is yellow in color and 100 x's more creamy then it's manufactured cousin could ever be! It's also more neutral in taste and can be flavored by adding things like dill, mustard, extra salt, or other herbs & spices.To make organic mayo you'll need the following groceries: Eggs, Olive Oil (Almond or Grapeseed will work also), Lemon, Salt, Vinegar (I used ume vinegar which is salty already!).
Optional flavor choices : Dill (this is what I used) or mustard, cayenne pepper, extra salt, etc... you can be really creative since the mayo base is mild in taste.
FIRST STEP: Take two eggs and drain/separate the whites out of them, then save the yellow yolks in a separate bowl. You won't be using the egg whites for this recipe and can save them for something else. (I fed them to my cat Toots who loves raw egg.)

STEP TWO: Add 6 teaspoons of lemon to your egg yolks and 2 teaspoons of vinegar, and mix together. You can use either a whisk or a blender to get the mayo party started! I went with my blender on a moderate setting, putting in the egg & acidic liquid mix plus some dill & salt.

STEP THREE: Here is where the magic happens and the adrenaline rushes in... pour approx. 1 cup of oil into the egg mixture VERY SLOWLY, like a dripping drizzle steady stream of oil - while you are either blending or whisking.
Here's the catch... (and this happened to me) if you put too much oil suddenly your amazement at how creamy & fluffy your mayo has become will burst into a soupy nasty liquid. This is when the mayo "breaks". And mine broke alright- I kind of cried a little. The thing is, don't follow an exact measurement on how much oil to put in, just slowly pour the oil in till it becomes mayo-like then STOP. :) So that this will happen..............
Creamy dreamy mellow yellow mayo!!!

And look how tempting it is, just totally sticking to my spoon just like real mayo! YAY!

Use your organic mayo for all the fun things you use store bought mayo on - pasta salad, potato salad, sandwiches & for dressing and sauces. All it needs it's your personal flavor and imagination!


  1. I love being your new housemate. Yes this does taste as good as it looks! MMMMMMmmmmMMMmmmMmMmMmMMmMmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........

  2. I've been dreaming of home-made mayo for a long time but couldn't find my recipe. A roommate made it once years ago, and it is divine stuff. Thanks for posting this!

  3. Thanks Nick- Glad you liked it!

    Hey Linda- glad I could fufill a mayo dream ;)

  4. hey thats my orange bowl yer usin!

  5. hey that mayo looks good! I've been looking but I've not been findin a good description of the process. thanks to your tears I've found the answer to natural delicious mayo!! (:
