Saturday, January 17, 2009

Reason # 159 Why I Belong In the Woods

Cause this is a picture of me back in 2005 when I actually did live in the woods, and as you can see from the evidence surrounding me I attract loads of cats, I let my gardens grow so wild it would violate city ordinance and I slip into a hippy look with ease. :)


  1. Woods are good places to belong in.

  2. You will get there soon! I'll make you a lean to Man Vs. Wild style....

  3. Love all those cats! Your garden looks like mine, on the verge of WILD. I can't wait to see your next ADVENTURE IN THE WOODS!

  4. Been there,(Woods) make attempt to insure that those cats are neutered or spayed. They will over run the community and create all kinds of problems if allowed to flourish.
    PS You sure did get some great mileage out of the AOL Front Page info today....Congratulations. PSS your sizes are not big enough for us guys who are say 6'2, and weigh over 200, Would like to see some of those good T-Shirts that are made of Hemp like they have in Hawaii! XL and XXL....thank you.

  5. Hey Anonymous! :)

    I always keep every single one of my cats fixed and taken care of, i have never had a single cat have a litter of kittens.
    I know how frustraiting it is about the clothing sizes because many of the manufacturers don't make a good variety of sizes, alot of times they will stick to the S M L safety net- but actually they lose out on the majority of the population!
    Thanks for speaking your mind about this issue.
    .... and now to go find out what you are talking about on AOL's front page!?!
