Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crazy Crooked Trees

The way trees grow in order to survive has inspired me for a long time - reaching for the light, overcoming disease, growing back after being repeatedly chopped down, & being home to tons of bugs and critters! These pictures were taken by me a few years ago in Marshall NC (my favorite place on earth) - this group of pics below are of the most crookedest trees eva' ! These guys have alot of swirl action, making their crooked-ness really graceful and beautiful.

Growing sideways...and up again!
And then backwards...
This very last pic below is the winner of the best crooked tree I eva' saw... growing completely sideways then making a perfect 90 degree angle (or some geometrical number) turning to reach straight up for the sun!



  1. Thanks for sharing your old trees and crooked memories. It looks beautiful out there.

  2. Leslie, I love your tree photos...they look like they are dancing, swaying to some invisable music! Would enjoy seeing more of what you've photographed.

  3. Thanks Nick!! it was beautiful out there, and smelled really good too. :)

    Hey Ruth- i love your description about the music...
    here's what they are dancing to:
    he he ;)

  4. Loved the dancing Hippos! I liked the Disney movies when I was a kid....still do! Can't outgrow those I guess! BTW I made two montages with the was so much fun!!!!!

  5. Love trees like that. That's one of my favorite things about LA actually, all the twisted old live oaks.

  6. Oh Colleen - i totally miss the beautiful giganticc trees in Louisiana!!! I loved driving over the swamp bridges between Baton Rouge & New Orleans and watching the trees growing up out of the water like taffy - topped with egrets or pelicans. So beautiful, thanks for reminding me!
    The cool thing about NC is we have the trees of the north and the trees of the south!

  7. You see a beautiful life, Leslie. Crooked trees are crazy for life. What fun.
