Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Natural Remedies For Seizures?

I have decided to come out of the medical problem closet and ask ya'll for some help! I have been having seizures for about 2 years now, which prevent me from any travel that isn't on bike or foot. They are not the kind where your eyes roll back, you drool and flop like a fish- but more of a convulsive brain & body spasm which has gotten somewhat less strong with time. It still is very disabling and prevents me from being able to lead what most would consider a normal life- (plus they suck really bad). I have been on the hunt for something natural I can take for seizures since the grand pharmacopia drugs always give me adverse & allergic reactions. One herbal remedy I did try was too strong (I only took one pill) and that is Skullcap, it gave me a pretty hellish reaction that included seizures, slurred speech, lack of motivation or ability to stay awake & liver pain!!! OH NO! I wouldn't mind trying some other herbs still, but would love even more if anyone out there knows of a homeopathic medicine I can take?!
If you have any recommendations or know of anyone with seizures too who maybe could help please send them my way!


  1. I don't know of any remedies, but I would avoid diet soft drinks. They contain phenylalanine (also called aspartame) and that can make your seizures worse. I have seizures, too, and those drinks can really cause trouble to a noticeable degree.

  2. That is super interesting! I havent touched a soft drink in over 15 years, BUT I have noticed if i eat more then one piece of fruit during the day I will be much more seizure prone. I wonder if it is not only chemical sugars, but possibly a trigger with naturally occuring sugars too?
    (I eat 100% organic & gluten free).

  3. I've had a couple of what I call pre-seizures, both from being in a toxic environment (one was a store, the other a hospital) - I got out, or rather was pushed out before the 1st got serious, and needed oxygen to get thru the medical appointment. I've become pretty housebound as a result of not wanting to repeat those experiences so the only other indoor environment I go to is the healthfood store that doesn't sell scented soaps. I'm lucky to have a year round farmers market that is safe except for some of the shoppers. So I guess my only suggestion would be to avoid toxic things and places, hmm... and sugars since you mentioned them... or maybe meditate, ask your body what it needs to have or what to eliminate.

  4. Hey Linda!
    Thanks for sharing your experience - being exposed to chemicals is certainly one of the main triggers for me (that and motion from riding in a car or watching a movie)...
    The very first time I had a seizure I was inside a house being painted on the outside, but I also had alot of pre-seizure activity with the onset of Celiac Sprue also. What sealed the deal 2 years ago was when a Chinese Medicine doctor told me to eat "Ume Plum seeds" as a medicine, which ended up having bunches of arsenic in them- then the full blown convulsions came on.
    I really love your idea of meditating and will try that's been a while.
    ps- How did you get MCS?

  5. T'was a toxic carpet installation and 12? gallons of paint without the windows open in the unit below me that caused the 1st crash in late 94.
    I'd had problems with perfumes and cleaning products since I was a teen in the 70's, but figured that some products just didn't agree with me, not that they were poisoning me. To make a really long story short, the pre-seizures were in 2005 after another decline that started in 04 from a bad gas stove downstairs and the neighbour who moved their dryer vent into our shared narrow driveway, and did 4 loads of toxic laundry a day. Both those issues have been resolved now, but last years 4 asphaltings out front, and some caulking downstairs this year... it's a miracle I'm still alive!

    I recently read something about something for arsenic removal in either Science Daily or EHP. I'll see if I can find it. I remember thinking it didn't seem too complicated.

  6. Sorry, in Science Daily there's something about filtering water, but not detoxing bodies.

    Have you looked into FIR saunas? They can be built home-made or ordered and shipped. I'm fading too fast now to look up my info on them.

    Hopefully your meditation will provide a good direction to move in
    : )


    Has anyone ever tried this?

  8. I have had great success with homeopathic remedies prescribed by a competent homeopath. As remedies are decided upon by a complex and very personal history of symptoms, I don't advise self prescribing. You might end up having completely different needs.

  9. hi,

    I suspect you already avoid MSG and glutamates :-)

    You might want to read about the use of Taurine for seizures.

    I am taking it for MCS (as per Dr. Martin Pall's research) and have read that it can help seizures. I am not sure the dose for seizure control though. It might be quite high. I am tolerating taurine well and find it has a nice side effect of helping me sleep much better if I take it within a few hours of bedtime.

    I wish you all the best - seizures are scary
    take care

  10. Hey L!
    Thanks for your suggestions, I will look into taurine today.
    You are right I dont eat MSG - i eat all organic, whole foods that are gluten free, dairy free and corn free... my diet is very limited but I make sure to eat very balanced healthy meals. I checked out your blog about MCS and it looks like it is going to be awesome!!! So positive and we could all use something uplifting these days :)

  11. "I checked out your blog about MCS and it looks like it is going to be awesome!!! So positive and we could all use something uplifting these days :)"

    Thanks! I am new to blogging so we'll see how I do ;-)

    I have a very limited diet too. Food sensitivities seem to be really common in people who have chemical sensitivities.

  12. my 18 month old son has been having seizures for the past 1.5 months. doctors put him on keppra but I am interested in getting him on homeopathic treatment. can you tell me more about it. thank you.

  13. I got a hair analysis done and found out the I have arsenic & mercury levels that are out or range (poisoning)- the seizures didn't come until I had the arsenic poisoning. It's always good to explore possible causes in order to find a cure.
    I am hoping that instead of taking meds for the seizures now, that I can remove the problem (aka- heavy metals)and get back to normal.

    Anonymous- I would find a professional Homeopathic doctor to help you find something for your child, children needs special doses and also can't take certain herbs or natural meds at all.

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