Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sewing With Local Organic Cotton Scraps

This eco sweater is make from approximately 12 different scraps of locally woven organic cotton. The eco fashion store downtown (in Asheville NC) sells cheap little bundles of organic cotton, sometimes it's all rolled up and you don't know exactly what you are getting. In this case I ended up with 2 awesome bundles of fleece & sweatshirt fabrics that are now perfect for winter weather! It was really difficult to come up with a whole sweater pattern with so many scraps - so I sewed many of the panels together to make on flat piece of fabric to start with. Don't mind my cold hard facial expression or the funky wet hair ;) ... I am wearing a tank top under the sweater since it is off the shoulder, the front bodice is made up of 6 panels.I made a tie that was attached to the sides in such a way, that if i wanted to wear the sweater in reverse I could just turn it around and still use the ties to make it more fitted. I used a tight zig zag stitch to keep the seams tight, and simply sewed the panels one on top the other rather then creating hidden seams. Gives it a eco crafty look that I LOVE! :)


  1. DEEYAMN! Never knew a crafty organic eco sweater could make someone look so hard core! Awesome design!

  2. Seriously - i dont know why i look like i am gonna kick some ass... maybe that's what happens when the bank calls you at 8 am.

  3. I love the tunic length things I see you wear a lot. This outfit is esp rad!

  4. Thanks Susie - I love tunic length clothes because I am short and I tell myself it makes my legs look longer ;)
