Sunday, November 2, 2008

Praying Mantis Egg Sack

This Praying Mantis egg sack is attached to some wispy vines on my porch- isn't it elegant? It is really similar to a tiny bee's nest...but doesn't everything in nature look like some other beautiful thing in nature!
This second picture is a view from the top, showing how it is delicately attached to the vine with it's dried gluey goo sack. This will withstand rain, big wind, snow and all the elements, peacefully swinging on it's vine.


  1. Amazing. The only things I find outside my apartment are cigarette butts, smog, and homeless people.

  2. dont take that nest inside,you might forget it somewhere in your bedroom and when spring time comes you'll have hundreds of lil manti all over yer socks.

  3. Lou Cheese - If you look really closely I am sure you can find a cockroach or something? ;) Sometimes the best mutant bugs live amongst our sad amount of trash.

    bort- for real! I will leave it to nature to take care of the sack...
    especially after reading Jolene's story over on facebook:
    "Reminds me of....years ago when I was a kid we moved to Tokyo, and unbeknown to us a praying mantis had left an egg sack (we thought it was a cocoon) on a plastic plant that my mother had hanging outside (tacky but none the less). When Spring came that year, thousands of Texas praying mantis were born in Tokyo.....I ... Read Morebet they were bigger than the Japanese variety! ;-)"

  4. BORT!!!- btw, i just realized you are Jason bugg's friend...
    i really love how your blog is called "so mundane" and there is nothing on there. It's like high blogging concept art, but actually funny.

  5. Lou Cheese I echo what Leslie says... if you can get hold of a point-and-click camera with the flower (macro) button on it, you would be amazed what you can dig up in the macro world!
