Friday, November 14, 2008

Meet Toots

This is Toots (pronounced like tootsie roll and not the sound a horn makes.) She is my BFF who happens to be really small like me and a little scrappy looking too. She's not a lover or a fighter but more of a trashy diva. She eats healthy cat food (Califorina Naturals) that is gluten free because I have Celiac Sprue and I have to feed any animals I have around the same diet as me so that I can be licked without danger...
Toots doesn't kill much of anything except bugs, and when she gets attacked by normal sized cats she poops herself in defense- which is a great method that I hope I never have to use. We wake up every morning together and she stretches in my arms. :)

Having animals around is an amazing way to keep relaxed, happy & healthy - and to learn compassion for the biodiversity we exist in. If you are thinking of having an animal friend make sure to go to your local animal shelter, which is where I adopted Toots from!


  1. Aw Toots. I'm glad she loves me now. She's a good friend!

  2. Toots is SO beautiful, Leslie. That coloring is amazing. What a sweetie.

  3. Catnick- Of course she loves you, not only are you nice to her...but you come bring the Califorina Naturals food ;)

    Susie - thanks, when she was a tiny kitten and they put her in my arms she immediately starting purring and i thought she was the prettiest thing in the world... she was really sick and had almost died the day before of a serious cold. Sneezing blood and coughing i took her home and gave bunches of love!
