Thursday, November 27, 2008

Macrobiotic, Gluten Free & Vegan Thanksgiving Meal For One

Thanksgiving (and all meals) are a little tricky for me - I am on a strict gluten free medical diet plus have multiple other food allergies... I have no idea how I got this way except maybe it was all that coffee and Tabasco sauce in my baby bottle. ;) For today's holiday I decided to make a simple stuffed butternut squash & some cranberry apple sauce on the side.
After cutting the squash in half and scooping out the seeds, I pre-baked the squash till it was soft. During that time I put some veggies (carrots, broccoli and leek) & fresh herbs (rosemary, sage and dill) in my blender to get it finely chopped. I mixed that yummy stuff with some cooked brown rice.
While the rice stuffing was marinating I cooked some chickpeas to make a thick sauce with for a good topping on the stuffed squash.
Without cleaning the fresh veggie mix residue from the blender I added the chickpeas in with extra fresh dill and rosemary and blended till ultra creamy. Afterwards I added olive oil to the chickpea sauce... just cause I love olive oil on everything. :)
I then stuffed the squash as much as I could with the "dirty rice" mix baked it on 350 in the toaster oven, until the rice was brown and crispy on the outside.
Topped with the chickpea cream and MmmmmmMmMmmmm. YAY!
While eating all that up I cooked down cranberries & an apple with an ume plum for about 3 hours. I would suggest adding maple syrup or rice syrup to this mix & to place in the blender after because the skins of the cranberries are not easy to chew. (You can also peel them, but blending would be much easier.) Apples don't need to be peeled and if you cook them alone they don't require any blending.
Hope you enjoyed your holiday - mine tasted super good and was 100% organic, vegan, gluten free and macrobiotic!


  1. Yummm! Sounds totally delish!

    I think this is what I'll make when I get my new countertop convection oven back from my dad, who has very kindly been baking off the toxins from it for the last several weeks.


  2. Hey Linda!
    It really tasted good for how simple the ingrediants were. I had to air out my toaster oven too before using it - I am really picky too about which kind of toaster oven I buy. I try to make sure it is made of as much stainless steal, no aluminum, and no teflon as much as possible. I noticed a recent trend where they are now putting teflon in nearly all the toaster ovens, and to get one without it is like a needle in a haystack that costs triple the gross teflon ones.
    My next oven will be the Hybrid Solar oven, which can be pulgged in or used solar, and is made of safe materials.

  3. Whoa gourmet gltuen free cooking extraordinaire!!! Looks really really tasty.

  4. You did such a great job on this recipe! The chickpea cream is a great idea. The cran-apple sauce from scratch is pretty impressive.

    And I know it's not that easy to photograph while preparing. You do a really good job with photographing your projects. I always forget to take the picture until I'm three steps past the last photo, lol.

    I need a new toaster oven, I'm going to check out the solar thingy, that's sound pretty cool.
