Sunday, November 23, 2008

DIY: Organic Wool & Cotton Ear Warmer

I am pretty sure tolerating the cold weather is not in my DNA - as a pure bred Cajun from New Orleans dealing with winter just isn't part of my genetic make up. When the frigid Smokey Mountain wind blows my ears burn like they are on fire, sometimes even with a good winter hat. So I decided to crochet myself a very organic, cute, and warm headband to give my ears that extra protection they have been yearning (burning) for.
This pattern was completely free style - I started with a chain stitch that measured from ear to ear, then did a row of double crochet in the chain. Once I had this foundation, I did a variation on picot & filet crochet which included basic chain, single & double crochet knots. Try to make up your own, it's alot of fun!

After making the lacy pattern, I double crocheted all around the edges from one end to the other - adding a few extra double crochets to make make the knots turn the corners. Do this for a few rows, until you have a good width that'll cover your ears properly. Once this is done, you can add some simple ties on the side (see below) by doing two single crochets attached to the middle side, that turn into just a chain stitch after approx. 5 of them are in place. To make the little pom poms cut a pile of yarn pieces the same size then tie the end of the strap around the middle of the pile.
Even though the yarn is a warm organic wool (purchased at the local yarn store here in Asheville), I wanted it to be nearly invincible to the cold wind - so I added some organic cotton sweatshirt fabric (also locally purchased as scrap fabric). Simply cut out the fabric to match the double crochet area...but not to go under the lace.

Then use a good (not too tight) zig zag stitch to hold it in place.

YAY! On less cold days I can sport this baby by itself... and on killer true winter days I am going to combine this with my wool hat! It's really easy to make and I did it all in one night!!!


  1. Girl you got SKILLZ!!! Looks professional! Really cute!!!! :)

  2. Thanks Nick! I think the smaller my crochet project is, the more professional it looks ;)

  3. are you going to sell those on your site?

  4. I had not planned to sell them actually - but it's a thought :)
    if someone wants to special order one, they can email me!

  5. Awwww Leslie, this is SO cute!!! I used to wear head bands every day when I was a little kid. I would have LOVED this little knitty ear warmer!! Sheesh girl you got so much talent.

  6. This is wonderful. I'm with you about no cold genes in my Hawaiian dna. Never enough warm clothes for me in winter. It made me want to learn to crochet. Then, the comment about selling them is another option!!
