Saturday, September 6, 2008

Clothing Swap Party

What better way to mingle, make new friends, giggle and shop for free than a swap party! Yesterday evening my neighbor Alli had a ladies only swap gathering... this isn't spit swapping or wife swapping, but the new eco friendly way to swap (or trade) cool clothing with your friends for free. Everyone brings some clothing and accessories they no longer use - that's your ticket in... I brought a few things, namely some vintage cowgirl boots which no one fit in (size 6m) but everyone tried to squeeze into! Hosting a clothing swap is a great way to gather with friends that doesn't have to cost alot - a few drinks and finger foods can be served and the guests provide the rest. Try your own, and tell me all about it! Details!


  1. Awesome post, Leslie! This reminds me, years ago there was a huge clothing-swap-yard-sale gathering in Asheville. I think it was in the space formerly known as Vincent's Ear. If I recall correctly, it was open to the whole community and you could either sell your cast-offs or just trade with others. I think, with the economy not so booming and environmentalism on everyone's minds, it would be great to see more of these events crop up.

  2. I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a large clothing swap like that! And to have it planned, that when it ends a goodwill truck or women's shelter can come pick up what's leftover.
    I wonder if the shelter downtown needs those types of donations?!
    I totally agree, that clothing swaps are a good way to deal with poopy economy.

  3. Most of my clothes are old and have holes and stains in them. Anyone want to trade me for some new intact ones?

  4. We used to have these when I was living in Bloomington, IN. It's the ultimate in recycling!

  5. Nick Swap - nobody wants that shit! lol ...
    jj -
    You can upcycle them- and turn them into other useful items such as cleaning rags :)

    Melissa- It is!! It would rock to have a clothing swap with a bunch of people who have organic clothing too ;)

  6. If i turned them into rags then I would have to walk around naked all the time. Nobody wants that...or do they? Wow I've got a whole bunch of new cleaning rags now. Thanks for the idea! Why are my neighbors looking at me like that?? Hey bitches I'm being eco friendly!
