Sunday, August 10, 2008

Upcycled Rain Barrel From Olive Container

I have been wanting a Rain Barrel for quite a long time and have kicked myself for not getting one sooner since we have been in a horrible drought for two years now. Oh, but today they were selling rain barrels at the local health food grocery for nearly half the price of the ones I drooled over online! The dreamy one I wanted most was made from upcycled olive containers, where they had cured olives (mmmm)... and that is what I got. The cool part is actually still smells like olives, yum yum, and I almost had the urge to lick the inside of my rain barrel.
There is minor assembly required to install the spigot and hose attachment, which in all honesty the directions that came with this rain barrel made me giggle and go "oh no it doesn't say THAT !?" he he. Mainly if you have potty humor and are easily entertained by instructions like "screw nipple into spigot, hand tighten" this can send you into a stream of naughty rain barrel jokes.
You actually have to squeeze your body into the rain barrel to screw all these nipples, spigot and washers together - which heroically my friend Nick Coe volunteered to do. (I think he just liked sticking his head in the barrel and screwing the nipple on the spigot) ! oi!
Something I am looking forward to doing with my rain barrel is actually collecting snow! Snow has been called "the poor man's fertilizer" and whenever it snows alot during the winter then crops grow better. Snow and rain have an effect on plants that hose water, filtered water, city water just can't match, which is why collecting rain & snow is essential for keeping a healthy organic garden.


  1. Hey I look sexy working!

  2. I had a feeling you might say that, since I forgot to mention it.
