Thursday, August 28, 2008

BBT Bank Downtown Asheville Is Getting More Eco

Asheville NC is known for it's eco friendly businesses and atmosphere - but I still like to play eco scout and search out some environmental surprises. The BB-n-T bank downtown was kickin' it eco style when I dropped by yesterday. First off, they have a bike rack out front, which was perfect for me to lock up my bike at. Then as I entered the building there was a revolving door - you may not know this but revolving doors save energy by not leaking out air & heat being pumped into a massive building. When I was sitting with a banker he told me that some rare falcons had made two nests on top of the building and they were taking steps to make sure they were not disturbed in any way! How cool is that!? And the grand finale came when I went to use their restroom and found out they were using 100% recycled toilet paper.
These are the kind of small steps I would love to see every business taking, because change will happen faster when we are encouraged by mainstream interactions out in the world.

Photo: Jim Jamesson

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