Sunday, August 17, 2008

Asheville Green Drinks

How did I miss this before? Or maybe it just started, but Green Drinks is in Asheville NC! I have read with envy about the cool Green Drinks events in Los Angeles and other eco minded cities, wondering how Asheville (home of eco villages) wouldn't be in this loop.
So here's what's on their calender:

Upcoming Green Drinks Events...
August 22nd - Dogwood Alliance's Adam Macon will speak about fast food packaging and how it is destroying our bio-diverse southern forests and wha we can do to stop it.
August 29th - Yuri Koslen from the City of Asheville will speak about sustainable transportation.
Sept 5th - Asheville Living Wage Campaign's Sarah Olsmer will discuss Asheville's new Living Wage Employer Certification Program, spearheaded by Just Economics. Just Economics is a grassroots, community organization based in Asheville dedicated economic justice and sustainability issues.

*Join us each Friday night at 6:00pm for socializing, 6:30pm speaker, 7:00pm socialize again! BoBo Gallery, 22 N. Lexington Ave. *

If you don't have a Green Drinks in your city, why not start one! It's all about socializing with like minds and learning about eco related issues. Check out what these guys are up to on their website and then go for it!

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