Tuesday, July 1, 2008

White Apricot's 10 Sexiest Eco Friendly Summer Sandals

Do you have a shoe fetish to be rivaled with Mariah Carey's collection? Me neither. But I know a beautiful shoe when I see one and this weeks top 10 list from White Apricot has a kitchy parade of sandals to lust after. Just the word "sandal" made me think of ugly smelly shoes from k-mart, but these are all 100% eco minded or 100% vegan and are built to last. To fairly warn you though, these gorgeous sandals are quite the investment ($$$), so good thing many of the designs are quirky yet timeless.
NOTE TO SUPER WEALTHY PEOPLE: Why keep walking around in shoes made with crap materials, put together by little children who don't give a shit about your accessories or life because they just want the 4 cents they worked their butt off for, and supports a company which rapes everyone in their wake of a fair price including YOU. You wouldn't want that shitty made heal to break right off your shoe when you step out the plane in Italy for your lunch date with your best friend? Use your dollars as charitable donations that pay both ways.
Go to White Apricot for help :)

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