Friday, July 18, 2008

Re-Wear: Eco Friendly Shoe Shopping

Reduce, Reuse, Re-wear! When it comes to having eco friendly shoes I have a nearly 100% thrifted collection. As badly as I would love to brag that I have a snazzy pair of earth huggin' Terra Plana heals, I don't - and it is because it totally rides out of my budget radar. You can find awesome shoes at local thrift stores & the flea market usually for under $5 ... which is far more within reach. The boots pictured here were under $2 and from a charity run thrift. If you super love unique used shoes & don't like the smelly thrift atmosphere for a little higher price ($15 and up) you can search out your dream boots and heals on Etsy or Ebay. But BEWARE! Don't pay too high a price for an old shoe, because many times the soles are beginning to dry rot...or in my case the other day melt off. When I walked downtown in my white thrifted granny heals something started to flap. I looked down to see the entire sole of my left shoe flapping like a wing underfoot! I just about laughed my ass off when the sole popped off entirely and I turned around to see it was 3 feet behind me...laughing even harder when I came upon the sole from the RIGHT shoe which had apparently fell off earlier without me noticing! I trotted the rest of the way home wearing two soleless old shoes and a big silly smile.
Aren't these black pirate boots sexy ?! Yay! I hope the soles stay on ;)

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