Friday, July 11, 2008

Menstrual Blood As Fertilizer?

Warning: This idea may cause you to turn up your nose and call me a dirty hippy. Hit me with your best shot!
If you are one of the many women switching to natural menstrual solutions you probably are quickly learning to make friends with your blood. You know, rather then run from it screamin' like a 5th grade boy like society teaches. So what I am about to propose may still sound a little on the crunchy side, but well, if I recall correctly I did actually learn this trick from a seasoned hippy lady named "Rah". Rah told me a story about tribal women who used to have their periods in a tent together bleeding on moss, and were considered prophets during that time. I have no idea if this is true and I don't want to bleed in a tent full of prophetic women on their rag -but what she mentioned next really stuck with me "you could use the blood on plants rather then flushing it down the drain." Honestly the super DIY gardener in me was like *wowsers* and I decided to give it a try. Now this is not for those of you who use disposable sanitary products, but for those grrrls who use the Diva Cup and Glad Rags- you can easily test this fertile hypothesis. Many natural fertilizers are made from bone meal and decay, and your period is a great source for similar nutrients. I have used this method on occasion with my house plants and I swear that is why they stay super healthy and continue to grow without any other fertilizer or change of dirt. When I stopped adding this to my plants, they didn't grow as well. So, would you try this on your house plants? Have you already done this before?


  1. What about fertilizer using male bodily fluids?

  2. Hey Green Thumb Nick -
    Maybe you get use your man poop- if you use a composting tiolet, or get a book on humanure. Urine will probably kill plants- although I am not sure... and um any other fluids are up to you to experiment with. lol

  3. this works if you use The Keeper too. or any kind of reusable pad.

    When I used the Keeper, I mixed the blood with water and watered my plants with it. They loved it as far as I could tell
    Can't use it now because I react to latex. And, being chemically sensitive, I don't trust keeping silicone inside me for such long periods of time so don't use the Diva Cup.

  4. Awesome way to use your woman power, I read that in the old days, men would fight in wars and bury their enemy heads under dirt to make their crops grow then when they found out that women could bleed and make their crops grew better, they became very angry and killed all the herbalist claiming that they were witches. . .

  5. Urine is also a great fertilizer and won't kill plants unless you use it more than 24 hours later, or undiluted! Use fresh daily, well diluted (10/1 or 5/1 ratio water/urine) urine, and you can't go wrong. I find it's even better than blood, being a bit less nitrogen heavy so you can apply it more often.

  6. I plan to give it a go, I'm in the process of switching to washable pads, & I can vouch for the urine thing too, when it's fresh & well diluted it's really good for plants : ) (btw sorry I'm kinda dropping comments all over the place, you can just totally ignore me tho k ; )

  7. gross!!!!!!!please!!!
