Saturday, July 12, 2008

(Learing to Sew) With Local Organic Cotton Part 3

This is my latest project using locally grown and woven organic cotton from the scrap box at Spiritex (located downtown Asheville NC). But there is something totally different and exciting about this creation, and that is the fabric was originally undyed natural organic cotton (off white) and this is the fabric I made my own natural non toxic dye for! The bottom portion of the sundress was dyed with plum skins from the fermenting plums on the ground under my landlady's tree. The top panels are textured organic cotton and were dyed with a mixture of grass, onion skins, and the left over plum dye making a dusty barely there pink. I love it! I made up the sewing pattern based on a few organic summer dresses I had seen and loved, in attempts to make my very own. I think this dress would look hot in a bright red! The total cost of the project was under $5... now that is saving some green!