Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chelsea Green Looking For Green Guide Authors

Better late then never right? I just got wind of this cool contest from Earth First but there's not a whole lotta time left since your entry is needed by July 4th. Chelsea Green is looking for authors to write 5 more parts to their Green Guide Series, which are 92-ish page pocket books that help people easily learn to recycle, bike to work, compost and other earth friendly diddies we all need to learn. If you are one of the five winners you get a $1,000 advance on royalties and sign a publishing contract with Chelsea Green! Now that sounds like bunches of fun - I am devising a pocket guide plan right now :)
Here's some of the entry rules:
*A brief (one page or less) summary of the topic of your proposed Green Guide.
*A brief personal biography that includes information on your expertise and knowledge in the subject area of your proposed Green Guide, and a listing of any previous publications whether in the form of books, print magazine articles, or online publications.
*A table of contents for your proposed Green Guide.
*Brief summaries of each chapter or section of your proposed Green Guide.
*Finished samples of your proposed Green Guide including:
The Introduction/Preface (if any).
A minimum of two sample chapters, if organized in chapter form.
*Whatever the form, the samples should add up to a minimum of 3,500 words.
*Entries must be received at contest -at- on or before Friday, July 4, 2008
LEARN MORE HERE! And good luck!

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