Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bye Bye Clunky Solar Panels, Hello Thin Solar Strips

Remember what a big deal it was to go from 8-track cartridges to cassettes, and then from big records to CD's and then CD's to an I-Pod ?!! As with all technology things just keep getting smaller, and thank gawd for the environment that this is such a hip thing to do. Computers, phones, music devices have all shrunk. All the more reason for gadgets made with the environment in mind to shrink in weight also - and finally the big clunky solar panels have done so. A huge advance in solar technology has lead to thin solar strips for your roof- no more giant installation projects that put holes in your roof to be harnessed. Read this article from Low Impact Living to get the techie scoop !

1 comment:

  1. The use of solar power drastically reduces electricity costs, and this is one of the most common reasons for choosing it.
    Solar Energy
