Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Organic Garden...So Far

I want to give a little nod of recognition to my garden, for being so good :)
This year I started my organic garden with only a hoe, and no extra compost, no bags of special top soil, no hose, no rain barrel, & no metal rake. Just the dirt that was already there, a small list of plants that heart one another, and the king of all tools- the hoe. I have let the rain do most the watering, and occasionally I bring out the watering can if they seem rather parched.
And so far, this garden is kicken butt! I mean it is really rocken' the yard, with peas, kale, bok choy, radishes, squashes, cucumbers...
I really like to think, that nature provides and we don't always need to add alot to it. It's awesome the way it is.


  1. that sounds wonderful! Good for you. I used to put a garden in every year but have not had the space to do it that last 2 years. I go thru mourning this time of year when I drive by and see other people's gardens :(

    Another must to add to my space!!!

    Happy gardening!!!

  2. that sounds wonderful! Good for you. I used to put a garden in every year but have not had the space to do it that last 2 years. I go thru mourning this time of year when I drive by and see other people's gardens :(

    Another must to add to my space!!!

    Happy gardening!!!

  3. It makes fantastic salads as well! Thank you may I have another?
