Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thanks Mom For the Biodegradable Plates...

I don't know about ya'll, but my mom really really really likes to send me random boxes of stuff. Sometimes she cleans out her house and gives me things no longer wanted and moldy (and maybe nobody wants it but Goodwill)- & unfortunately we don't wear the same shoe size so I can't partake in the endless boxes of 80's Heels. Darn!
The box I got from her this week contained biodegradable plates & bowls from Whole Foods, which are actually pretty cool because instead of the usual corn based invention (which is a common allergen), these are made from sugar cane fiber! If you have ever lived near sugar cane crop fields you will know that the left over sugar cane bi-products are just piled up in these huge disgusting mountains of dank smelly hell. This is much better used to make bio-plates for your organic picnic. There's lots of debate over whether reUsable plates that take alot of energy washing are less or more eco friendly then biodegradable plates you throw away. Personally, I go with washing and re-using.
BTW, my mom also sent me Goldie Hawn's Autobiography...uh, anyone read this? :)


  1. You really think it is better used to be made into plates? You made the dank smelly hell sound so appealing to me! Made me want to roll in it like a dog in poo!

  2. um, what size are the 80's shoes!?

  3. Cool Post! Very informative dude. I saw this site while browsing and think it may be relevant . Keep up the good work!
